current topic




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1·A short essay or treatise, usually on a current topic, published without a binding.
2·The name of a property is not prefixed with the fully qualified name of the current Topic.
属性的名称没有将当前 Topic 的全限定名作为前缀。
3·The state of a user can be defined based on the current topic/sub-topic, performance in topics, and so on.
4·The fully qualified name of the new object is constructed by adding the "|" separator and the object's name attribute to the fully qualified name of the current Topic.
5·My current work, The Pink and Blue Projects are the topic of my thesis.
6·However, current semantic processors can't read the text of a topic to find out what it means.
7·The next page, Current Progress, should now display an updated table indicating the topic recently created.
下一个页面Current Progress现在应当会显示一张更新的表,表示最近创建的主题。
8·To be safe, try to mix in a current news topic such as: "Do you think Peter Jennings smokes in Heaven?"
为了安全起见,试着混到现在的新闻里一起说:“你认为Peter Jennings (abc新闻前主播)会在天堂里抽烟吗?”
9·A new name-object association will be introduced in the current naming context (Package, Class, or Topic) in case an object is returned by the method.
10·If a DITA topic has already been translated, the new translation compares the current DITA source to an existing DITA-based translation memory; so, all old content has an exact match in the memory.
更新时间:2025-02-22 14:57